Whether your recruitment agency is utilizing management software for the first time or you’re looking to upgrade from your current software, you want to ensure that you’re making the right selection for your firm’s growing needs.
With each platform promising to outperform the next, evaluating software can be complicated; however, there are some guidelines to follow to make sure you’re asking the right questions and checking all the boxes to lead you to the most comprehensive choice for your business.
Weigh any potential platforms against these 10 features that are essential for any recruitment agency software you choose for your firm to have:
1. It’s all-encompassing, meeting all your recruiter’s needs under one roof.
The best software for your firm will be the most efficient one.
For your recruiters, this means being able to navigate through a full day’s worth of tasks – running candidate searches, tracking applicants, posting to job boards, corresponding with clients, or using customized benchmarking tools – all without leaving the platform.
The ability to task switch and manage multiple projects at once makes full-service software an indispensable tool for your recruiters.
2. It provides a full range of analytics and benchmarking tools to measure success and set targets.
Your firm is one of a kind.
The way you define success and evaluate your recruiters depends on metrics that are unique to your firm, which is why pre-set analytics don’t cut it. To perform their best, your team needs benchmarks that are tailored specifically to your company’s needs.
While many recruiting software platforms provide reporting, their limitations often prevent them from being useful tools.
When you and your team can define your own measures for success and evaluate performance based on the statistics that matter most to your business, your team’s productivity will soar.
As a leader, you can leverage this data to drive decision making and find a competitive advantage in the recruitment industry.
3. It’s collaborative with the shareability options your recruiters need to operate as a team.
Your recruiters are all on the same team – all with the goal of placing the best talent with your clients. Being able to work together is a core component of your firm’s success as your recruiters collaborate on job postings, sourcing candidates, and managing client relationships. Not only do these tasks need to be done – they need to happen with ease.
The ideal software platform for your agency allows your recruiters to share resources without limitations on how far their team efforts can go.
4. It’s comprehensive and covers your key focus areas.
Your firm needs a software with as many facets as your business has, with capabilities that extend to all the core focus areas, including job sourcing, candidate management, mobile applications, sales tracking, and more.
There is no end to what your firm can accomplish, and your recruitment software needs to mirror your potential by offering a full-scale solution that you can apply to any area of your business.
5. It’s search-friendly.
There’s no need for your firm to operate at anything less than optimal efficiency.
One of the most important ways to streamline your recruiter’s responsibilities is to improve your search functionality through your software platform.
The right software will provide multiple options for complex searches across job boards, resumes, locations, and candidate’s skills. Without leaving the interface, the ideal software will allow your recruiters search simultaneously across internal and external job boards and define advanced criteria to narrow their focus, and provide the most accurate results.
Better searches lead to laser-sharp results and applicant tracking that meets all your needs.
Faster searches lead to increased efficiency as your recruiters can access millions of resumes across their databases.
6. It’s mobile-accessible for your team and applicants to access at their fingertips.
The way recruiters work today is dramatically different from the way things were done 10 years ago, or even two years ago.
The ever-changing face of the recruitment industry and technological capabilities means that your recruitment agency software needs to keep up, or even better – stay ahead of the curve.
It’s essential that your recruitment software allows your team to function at full mobile capacity. On any given day, this could mean viewing resumes, logging calls, accessing placements, searching candidates, displaying client locations, and tracking activity.
Finding the right software allows your recruiters to perform all the tasks they do in the office with ease, directly from their mobile devices.
7. It’s fully integrated for smart email management.
The amount of correspondence your team handles in a day is staggering – between client contact, internal communication, and of course, emails with candidates. It’s easy to lose information in the shuffle unless your software is powerful enough to stay on top of it for you.
It’s essential that your recruitment agency software be able to handle candidate history for easy correspondence and tracking.
Seamless integration with your email provider allows your recruiters to communicate with candidates quickly and efficiently, without having to navigate away to look up key details.
8. It’s user-friendly.
Straightforward software will always win out over unnecessarily complicated technology that your team can’t navigate or feels cumbersome to use.
If your software is truly working for your firm, it will make your recruiter’s jobs easier to do, not burden them or slow them down.
Productivity is king. The right software will give your recruiters the tools they need to increase their capabilities without being bogged down by administrative tasks.
9. It offers multiple job posting tools to save both time and money.
The more job posting functions your recruiting agency software offers, the more efficient your recruiters will be.
With the right software, your team members will have access to a variety of job boards including internal, free, and premium subscribed databases.
Better access to information means greater functionality when posting and searching.
10. It’s progressive – driving your firm forward.
Any good business software is adaptable – rising to meet new industry trends and technology demands. It’s imperative that your recruiting agency software can keep up, with your clients, your candidates, and your team’s potential for success and growth.
One of the main advantages of the right software will be its ability to be customized. From search fields, workflow, filtering data, or tailoring permissions, the right software allows you to personalize your platform, so it can work as hard for you as your recruiters do.
11. It’s supported by the vendor.
Let’s face it, there’s no shortage of choice in recruitment agency software for your firm, and while many offer similar features, the most important thing to consider is a vendors support.
What good is the latest feature for productivity if you can’t implement it in a way that is effective for your team?
What good is the perfect feature set if you can’t get your current data migrated properly to make an efficient switch for your team?
Once you identify your critical features make sure you know about the vendors support in migration, training, setup, and customization.
The level of support available to you will set the right software apart from the rest.
Now that you know the 11 critical factors to look for in your recruitment agency software, you’re ready to get started with the leading solution for your business.
A business with as many moving parts as a recruitment agency demands a sophisticated software platform like Tracker RMS that can streamline tasks and use technology to create processes for increased efficiency and performance. The best software for your recruitment agency is the one that’s the most comprehensive.
By selecting the right CRM solution, recruiters can fuel their businesses effectively and receive the support they need to deliver on their placements now and into the future.
The better the functionality of your recruting software matches your firm, the greater your firm’s potential is. Tracker RMS provides an unparalleled level of support and a full-service suite of customizable capabilities to help your firm reach it’s goals.
TrackerRMS is the leading cloud-based Recruitment, Applicant Tracking and CRM software provider serving the Recruitment Industry.
“The features you expect. Service that’s unexpected.”