If one of your goals in the new year is to grow your staffing firm, you must begin by evaluating your bottom line. Rather than focus on the past, taking a close look at what improvements you can make going forward will prove to be most effective in making meaningful changes.
Remember, your staffing firm has many moving parts – operations, marketing and business development. Understanding how you can leverage these functions and maximize productivity is essential for a productive new year. You can start to improve your bottom line by making these three changes in 2019:
Focus on talent acquisition technologies.
As it becomes more difficult to find viable candidates for jobs, many firms have begun exploring the use of talent acquisition technology in finding the right candidates. There are countless types of technologies to consider, such as automated assistants and virtual video interview platforms. Finding technology that allows you to better streamline your hiring process will free up your recruiters to focus on the non-technical aspects of their jobs, such as engaging with candidates and understanding clients’ workforce needs.
The more that basic administrative tasks can be automated, the more time your recruiters can spend on fostering relationships with candidates and clients which are key to improving your bottom line.
Invest in employees with strong soft skills.
While your employees should certainly possess all the important tech skills required in recruiting, it’s important you make soft skills a priority for many reasons.
- First, recruiters with strong “people skills” will be able to better connect and engage with candidates and clients, building business relationships that will benefit your firm for years to come.
- Second, recruiters who have high emotional intelligence will be better at working with others on your team to reach common goals.
This creates a productive workplace in which every member of your team supports one another and provides mentorship and assistance when needed, ultimately generating better business outcomes for your firm at large.
Develop your brand.
One of the biggest mistakes made by staffing firms is a failure to grow their brands. Your brand is your biggest asset in attracting candidates and developing a steady flow of applicants to your job portal. To truly grow your business, you must invest in developing your brand identity in a way that connects with others on a human level.
For example, you may consider sponsoring an event in your community or having your team volunteer with a local nonprofit organization. This type of community relations will raise awareness about your firm in a way that’s authentic and resonates with your audience without being aggressive or sales-driven. Ultimately, an investment in your brand is an investment in your business!
While it takes time, making the key changes above to improve your bottom line will transform your firm for the better. With the right adjustments, you’ll have your team on a path to greater success in no time.
Investing in an ATS can dramatically improve your bottom line in 2019.
Learn more by contacting TrackerRMS, leading cloud-based recruitment, applicant tracking and CRM software provider serving the needs of the recruitment industry.