What Technology (Aside From ATS) are You Using to Recruit?

As finding top talent becomes increasingly competitive, staffing professionals must be more innovative than ever with their recruiting strategies. With traditional recruiting methods gradually losing their effectiveness, staffing pros now have no choice but to invest in new technology to reach more candidates and improve hiring outcomes for their clients. You may be surprised to learn there are many types of digital recruitment strategies that can be a great complement to ATS software.

Here are a few of the best types of recruitment software to explore:

Social media platforms

Though ATS programs often have a social media integration function, there are many ways for recruiters to maximize recruitment efforts through their own personal social media use. As the majority of job seekers are now searching for jobs online only, LinkedIn has become the number one job search site for almost all industries. This means recruiters should be actively building relationships with candidates on LinkedIn, as well as screening the profiles of potential candidates who may be a fit for future jobs. From a client relationship management (CRM) standpoint, utilizing social media has also proven to be one of the most effective ways for recruiters to build and maintain strong relationships – which has a direct effect on their candidate pipeline.

Mobile recruiting

With countless studies showing the majority of job seekers look for jobs solely on their phones, every recruiter should have a mobile recruiting strategy. Mobile recruiting software is often an extension of your ATS, in which you have all the abilities to perform ATS activities on a mobile device. A mobile recruiting strategy involves having a mobile website, as well as text messaging functionality so you can easily communicate with candidates. For example, there are many messaging apps that allow for the exchange of short, timely text messages with candidates, which has become a powerful way of securing leads and interacting with a broader range of candidates.

Incorporating the functions above into your recruitment strategy will ultimately make you more effective at your job, while helping you foster better relationships with both candidates and clients. By aligning recruitment strategies with your goals, you’ll discover an approach that works best for you.

Struggling to reach top talent?

It may be time to consider ATS software for your staffing firm. TrackerRMS, a lead cloud-based recruitment, applicant tracking and CRM software provider serving the needs of the recruiting industry.

CEO of Tracker for over 12 years with an overall 25+ years in business process, IT strategy, and management

More from Andy Jones

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