Sourcing Hidden Workers to Fill Staffing Gaps

Learn how to source hidden workers, as defined by a recent study, through better technology, better relationships, and more, in our article below.

In a recent post, we discussed the challenges and sources of staffing shortages. While not a new concept or experience in the workforce, staffing shortages due to the pandemic are still a major source of stress for industries and companies. As is sourcing candidates that are qualified, wanting and willing to work, and loyal.

The search for top talent is tight and what many companies have had to learn quickly is how to be flexible to attract qualified candidates. From raising wages, offering more flexible hours, ensuring safety protocols, and more, companies are doing everything they can think of to attract candidates.

And while this flexibility and agility is an important skill for any successful company and recruiter, they are missing a huge blindspot that can offer a lot of opportunity.

So we know staffing shortages are nothing new. And on the same front, neither is one of the solutions to bridging the employment gap. We just don’t realize it because, as we noted, it’s a blindspot, built on long-held business and recruitment practices and technology that isn’t flexible.

Whats the solution were talking about? Its is hidden workers,a term coined by a Harvard Business School study, and defined as: Candidates that companies will consider, leading to the creation of a diverse population of aspiring workers who are screened out of considerationor hidden.

And, we are not talking about workers who are hiding on purpose. These are potential candidates who want to work, but usually aren’t because of one of three reasons that the study outlined below:

  1. Missing Hours: These are the candidates that are currently working, but only part-time hours. They want full-time hours.
  2. Missing Work: These are candidates who may have been unemployed for a long period of time, but want to get back.
  3. Missing from the Workforce: These are the candidates who are not working, but are able and willing for the right gig.

And this study estimates that there are more than 27 million of these hidden works in the U.S. alone.

So why are these individuals hidden? Because they usually don’t tick all the traditional qualification boxes. They may have the same amount of experience as another candidate, but not the same level of education, which may eliminate them early in screening. They may be individuals with developmental challenges. They may be veterans. They may be caregivers. They aren’t your “typical” job seeker with all the traditional resume builders consistently sought after.

And these hidden workers are not only prime for sourcing, once on the job, they’ve shown to be extremely effective employees. The study states companies that hire hidden workers report being 36% less likely to face talent and skills shortages compared to companies that do not hire hidden workers. And they indicate former hidden workers outperform their peers materially on six key evaluative criteria—attitude and work ethic, productivity, quality of work, engagement, attendance, and innovation.

So why are some many qualified candidates going unnoticed and how do you source more hidden workers?

1. On-The-Job Training

The gap in skills, especially for hidden workers (who may have been unemployed for awhile), is vast. Skill gaps are typically exacerbated by changing technologies and the fast-paced world we live in.

If you’re firm can strategize with your clients to offer on-the-job training, you can significantly improve your pool of talent and start closing any gaps.

Here are some incentives to sell in to your clients:

  • Reduced time-to-fill for openings
  • Broader talent pool
  • Training is typically required anyway, promote it

It will also help to outline the skills that are required, desired, and probably unnecessary. Partnering with your clients to do this workflow is critical in today’s tight job market.

2. In-Tune Technology

As a tech company, we know it’s the type of tech and how you use it that will make the difference. 

Here are some of our favorite ways that recruitment tech can help you uncover and source hidden candidates:

  • Automated Watchdogs that pull new and passive candidates from your job boards each night
  • Automated Matching constantly matching new Candidates to your open jobs, based on your smart criteria.
  • Nurturing Sequences that can uncover and attract hidden candidates
  • Intelligent filters, sentiment and segmentation to empower recruiters to discover potential
  • Virtual video interviewing allowing candidates to record their interview on their device for the ability to highlight and share their untraditional experiences and continue on in the process.
  • Video resumes allow candidates to answer pre-determined questions and submit as well through any device. 

Additionally, consider adjusting segmentation filters from focusing completely on traditional qualifications, such as education, to more inclusive filters that hone in on the actual experience and specific skills. 

3. Awareness & Intent of the Issue

Just having an awareness and intent within your recruitment and hiring processes can shine a light on these potential pools of candidates.

  1. Taking the time to look at your full process
  2. Identify process gaps that may hinder the ability to source hidden candidates
  3. Apply automation and technology to source intelligently
  4. Clarify qualifications for all job orders, and consider on-the-job training
  5. Make adjustments to processes and tech to ensure more qualified candidates

About Tracker

Tracker offers intuitive and time-saving features to support your recruitment team in redeploying and reengaging your most qualified candidates, efficiently. Our multitude of candidate tracking, engagement, and management features allow you and your team to work smarter, not harder for all around success. 

Trackeris a leadingrecruitmentandapplicant tracking softwaredesigned for recruitment and staffing agencies of all sizes. Our industry-leading support, onboarding and technology will improve both your recruitment speed, process and quality. With over 20 years of experience, ourtechnologyis built with you, the staffing professional, in mind.

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