7 Hacks On How To Boost Talent Attraction

Talent attraction within the recruitment process is tedious. How can you enhance talent attraction in your organization without compromising on the quality of applications? Finding personnel, more so, talented ones to hire in the organization requires you to invest your time and money in the right recruiting channels.

Talent Attraction

Talent attraction is the pursuit for the most appropriate candidates to recruit in a business or an organization. There are numerous channels to deploy when seeking to attract talent. Some, however, are more efficient than others. Recruiters need to be aware of the channels that potential candidates spend most of their time and leverage those channels in talent attraction.

Hacks to Boost Talent Attraction

The hacks indicated below will correlatively teach you how to attract more quality candidates and how to improve your hiring process.

Create a Recruitment Strategy

A recruitment strategy is a plan of action, which an organization refers to and uses as a guide when recruiting. Formulating a recruitment strategy is done in conjunction with the organization’s business model, mission, visions and goals.
The strategy is a document that stipulates:

  • The relevant career spectra
  • A distinct job description in each career spectrum
  • The channels utilized in the recruitment process
  • The steps involved in the recruiting process
  • The metrics for advancement and success in recruitment

Utilize a Talent Database Management Software

A database management software automatically stores the data and documents of your staff, suppliers, and customers. Customize your database software to store and manage job applications. The talent database software can be the first point of reference when seeking to recruit.

Have an open talent attraction program that encourages potential candidates to apply in the organization even when there are no available jobs. Your organization will attract talent over a substantial period. Candidates will be in your reserve when you do need them.

Engage in Employer Branding

Employer branding is an organization’s unique ability to improve its identity and become reputable among potential employment candidates. Social networks have made it easier for potential candidates to learn more about the work culture in an organization before applying. A bad reputation will shoo talent away.

You can improve your employer brand by:

  • Utilizing your brand assets by ensuring your organization’s brand is represented in its application documents
  • Presenting the perquisites that come with working at your organization by posting video and text content in your social media networks

Create a Social Media Strategy

On ways to boost recruitment, using social media has ranked the best and relatively the most cost-efficient. Channelling your efforts on social networks when seeking candidates will expose you to a big pool of candidates over a short period. LinkedIn, for instance, is a social network primarily designed for career and business development.

Create a social media strategy by finding the right internet channels that will expose you to the precise target candidates. Post content that improves your employer brand. Encourage candidates to follow your organization on social media to get prime information on any vacancies in the organization.

Engage in Career Fairs

(Virtual) career fairs will teach you how to attract candidates by observing strategies employed by other organizations and through the conference talks. These recruitment fairs are great avenues to introduce your organization to potential candidates, present the work environment and the perquisites gained by working there. You will be amid many prospective candidates. Boost talent attraction by advertising an upcoming vacancy or trainee program and advising on the job description and how to apply.

Utilize Email Marketing

Email marketing is advertising through email by sending commercial content to a large group of people using their email addresses. Encourage potential candidates to opt-in receiving email notifications when there is a job opening in the organization.

Examine your email content before sending it out, correct any grammar mistakes, create an engaging subject and attach a link for the application process. Adhere to the practices stipulated by law when email marketing.

Measure the Recruitment Strategy

Your organization can assess the recruitment strategy using the following metrics:

  • Cost incurred
  • The quality and quantity of applications
  • The swiftness in response by target candidates

Measuring the strategies effectiveness will enable you to find the flaws in the recruitment process and adjust where necessary.

About the Author

Olivia Coughtrie is Co-founder & Director at Oriel Partners a PA and administrative recruitment consultancy based in Central London. Olivia is passionate about making a positive change to the recruitment process.

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