Recruitment Strategies and Solving Common Recruiting Challenges

What are the latest recruitment strategies and how is our industry solving common recruiting challenges?

In the recruitment and staffing industry, there are some big challenges that can inhibit recruiter performance and successful placement of candidates, which will affect your bottom line.

We’ve identified these ways of solving common recruiting challenges with game-changing recruitment strategies. First, the challenges:

  1. Manual Processes and Time-Takers
  2. Systems That Don’t Talk to Each Other (aka Integration)
  3. Cumbersome Candidate Sourcing
  4. A Clunky Recruitment Funnel
  5. Less-Than-Stellar Recruiter Retention
Read on for the top 5 most common recruiting challenges below, and our solution strategies:

1. Manual Processes and Time-Takers

If you’re not currently using an applicant tracking system, this is probably your recruiters’ top challenge. Or, if you are using a complicated or out-dated ATS, your recruiters may be equally challenged and unable to make the most of their time.

Manual (or difficult) tracking not only takes up valuable recruitment time (up to 8 hours per week!), but can also lead to poor candidate experience (and drop off), slow time-to-fill, and more.

In a manual process, you’re completely dependent on each recruiter consistently updating information, statuses, and having to *remember* to stay in touch with candidates. If you’re not doing it everyday, information is most likely outdated and your recruiters are spending way too much time moving candidates through the recruitment process.

Even the most finely tuned manual processes leave a lot of room for error. Worse, manual processes decrease recruiter productivity and divert attention away from their main responsibility of recruiting and placing candidates.

If manual processes are taking up too much valuable time and creating more challenges, it’s time to seek out an automated solution like Tracker. ????‍♀️

And, click here to read more on eliminating time-takers.

2. Systems That Don’t Talk to Each Other

Maybe you do use recruitment software, third party apps, and more to assist your team. What could be challenging about that? For many firms, it’s the lack of tech talk. What does tech talk really mean? Technology that actually talks to each other to support data going back and forth between systems and apps. Also known as integration.

While it may seem like common sense for technology to talk to each other, it usually doesn’t work that easily. If you’re using multiple systems that don’t communicate well with each other, you’re probably experiencing more headaches, down time, and manual tasks (see above).

At Tracker, we’ve specifically designed our integrated ATS and CRM with tech talk in mind. From our job board, LinkedIn, and resume parsing integrations to our call software and marketing automation, our system is truly your one-stop platform for managing your whole recruitment process.

3. Cumbersome Candidate Sourcing

How frustrating is it to scour and check the job boards, login to LinkedIn every few hours, and sift through your database or excel spreadsheets to source the best candidates? It takes up a lot of time and many open tabs to seek out the best candidate. Not to mention the almost-daily candidate updates posted that make it that much more difficult to track profiles accurately.

Tracker has a variety of features that streamline and automate candidate sourcing, removing the stress from the process.

Recruiters can source more candidates more quickly, and make more placements.

According to G2, 78% of employers that use an ATS said that recruitment technology makes finding great talent easier than ever.

Using an applicant tracking system like Tracker makes it simple. Less headaches. More candidates.

4. A Clunky Recruitment Funnel

If your current pipeline was a mode of transportation trying to get from the East Coast to the West Coast, what mode of transportation would it be? Are you currently walking, biking, taking a train or a car? What would it feel like to take a jet?

Using an integrated applicant tracking system and relationship management software (like Tracker) is like taking the company jet.

94% of recruiters and hiring professionals say that using a recruitment software has positively impacted their hiring process, in a study by G2.

From easily and quickly posting a job to sourcing candidates and finding the best placement, Tracker streamlines the whole process. What does that mean for you? Less challenge managing the process and more time filling your pipeline and turning a profit.

Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up to approved submittals, scheduled interviews, and onboarding procedures completed, without lifting a finger?

5. Less-Than-Stellar Recruiter Retention

Are you or your recruiters spending their time on what they do best? Or are they spending their time manually updating spreadsheets, going to each job board to post individually, or other time-taking repetitive tasks?

Just as you want your clients and candidates to be happy, the same goes for your recruiters if you want a job well done. And we’ll tell you, nothing diminishes their job satisfaction faster than feeling like they aren’t providing the value they know they are capable of because they are bogged down in the small, yet important, tasks. If they’re not happy or supported, they’ll seek other opportunities.

There’s a simple solution to recruiter retention: Providing them the resources they need.

By investing in an integrated applicant tracking system, you provide your recruiters not only the resources to more efficiently and effectively do their job, but more time back to focus on what they actually do best – recruiting!

Cancel These Recruitment Challenges

So what do you think? Are these challenges that you’ve experienced in your company or with recruiters?

If so, it’s time for a free demo of our time-making features.

Check out reviews of how our actual customers have improved their recruitment processes with Tracker, here.

Solving Common Recruiting Challenges with Tracker

Tracker helps recruiting and staffing firms build better processes, workflows, and revenue. Over the last 15+ years, we have developed Tracker into a leading cloud-based Recruitment, Applicant Tracking and CRM Software provider serving staffing and recruiting firms across the globe.

Contact us today to receive a free demo of our productivity-boosting features.

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